
Thanks! And for that you get a gold star!

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You are so spot on in your humor and wit with all the terminology "lesbian" rules...it is quite the challenge to navigate being our best human self without worrying about what we call ourselves. 🌟

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Very funny. It's such an interesting perspective.... and it's somehow sad if/that there is ANY issue arriving at the party at any point in life. I am missing a lot of gold stars that I should have, clearly, but I think somehow I never even got the card. It sounds like you have things well in hand and a clear sense of what matters.

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Consider yourself showered in gold stars, Amy. I’m giving them out! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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These are all the stars your V gets for having children--goddess bless you


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And one for you, because why not?! ⭐️

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I do like—for all the valid points you make in your article—that many are commenting on you getting stars for having 3 kids. It was so honest and my heart let out a heavy sigh. Mothers, straight or gay, don’t get enough credit.

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Jul 18Liked by Linda Epstein

Fabulous piece! It was a comfort to see so many familiar feelings expressed with expert wit!

I have heard versions of this from other “late bloomer lesbians” over the years. (There ARE so many Lisas and Jens! LOL)

After asking myself a like set of less humorous questions some years ago, I came to realize, it wasn’t about my clothes or past behavior:

The only requirement of admission to what ever my new queer life becomes, is to accept and Own, my whole self now, and everyday forward.

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Amen! Here’s a gold star! ⭐️

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Jul 18Liked by Linda Epstein

Ty! And You get stars too Linda! 🌌🌌

(The Van Gogh kinda stars, not the lesbian trope kinda ones cuz F that noise, You ARE a Star!)

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Jul 18Liked by Linda Epstein

Oh my god! You're a funny lesbian! Er... funny queer. Funny gay. Whatevs. I like this piece and I relate and what it made me think about is how, when you let go of caring if you're "right" about all of the dang things we need to be right about these days (let me know if/when you figure it out so you can tell me the secret), life does seem to get better. PS I was not aware that Jennifers are lesbians, or vice versa. I'll add it to my knowledge base.

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Bill, my love! Can I get a gold star for being funny?! I'll put it anywhere! xoxo

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Jul 18Liked by Linda Epstein

Two gold stars! xoxo

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This is pretty … does it sound patronizing to say “adorable”? I mean it in the nicest, most empathetic way. if it helps (?), I’ve been out for 30+ years, was married to a woman for 15 of them, and I STILL wonder sometimes if I’m “gay enough”. I wonder if there is anyone who truly feels part of this club, even the ones with gold stars on their vaginas?

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Ha! I'll take adorable for a piece I've written, I guess? A lot of it is tongue in cheek 😉. Also, anyone putting gold stars on their vagina has something to prove and I'm not about that anymore. I'm finally feeling gay enough but gay enough to do what?!

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The ONE thing I came to remark on was the lack of gold star treatment you got from the Lesbian club!

I want to say, there was a committee in the Aughts that sought to rectify this rule.


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